This post has been update
You can find attached here the code that shows you how to create a strongly typed collection in VBA that has both a default Item property and that can be iterated with the For Each Loop.
As you will see from this blog post, some vba attributes are needed to be assigned to specific Collection properties, however these are not visible in the VBA IDE, but you can see them using notepad.
This solution was taken from a forum entry I found on the web
In VBA You can create both a defaul property and a default enumerator, but the process is a bit more manual.
If you export a .cls file from one of your VB6 proceedures and view it in a
Notepad, you'll notice that some Attributes, not visible while editing your code, are added to the top of the routine(s).
The two properties in question will look something like this:
Property Get Item(Index As Variant) As Parameter
Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0
Set Item = m_Collection.Item(Index)
End Property
Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
Attribute NewEnum.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Set NewEnum = Me.mCollection.[_NewEnum]
End Property
It is important to note that the Attribute directive are just below the Property Signatures.
If they are not there, the code will not work.
Now the above all looks "normal" except for the addition of the three "Attribute" Lines.
In the Item Property the line "Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0" makes it the default property.
In the NewEnum, the "Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4" makes it the Default Enumeration Property (I'm sure you recognize the "-4" part.)
The Attribute NewEnum.VB_MemberFlags = "40" is to make the Enumerator a Hidden property, but, technically, this is not recognized in VBA, so it will be visible in IntelliSense, but I don't find that a big deal.
The solution is to (1) Make your Class, (2) SAVE, (3) Export the Class, (4) Remove the Class (steps 3 and 4 can be combined into one, as it asks you if you wish to "Export" when you right-click and choose "Remove") and then (5) Manually add the Attribute Lines as shown above, (6) Re-Import the edited Class.
As for one comment in this post another way is
1) Add those attributes in the VBA IDE. You will get a syntax error. Ignore it
2) Click on the Class and Remove
3) Say Yes when you are asked to Export it
4) Import it again
Pay attention to not delete the class. Otherwise do: Export, Delete, Import.
(Btw, you can add the Attribute NewEnum.VB_MemberFlags = "40" line if you wish -- it won't hurt anything -- but it won't be recognized in
VBA, it will just be quietly ignored. So there's no reason to bother doing this, really.)
As you know, editing the code thereafter has some propensity to lose these properties (even in VB6) and so this may have to be repeated occassionally. (A bit of a pain.)
The alternative is to create your class 100% within VB6 and then import it into your VBA Project.
Or, even better, make it in VB6, debugg it, get it running 100%, compile to DLL and then add this DLL to your references. This last concept is probably the most solid, but there could be deployment issues as your DLL now has to be correctly Registered on the Client machine. Not that this is a big problem, but it's not as easy as distributing a VBA Project...